Cara c roseIf elected, what would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild accomplish while you are on the Board?
I would like to see the Guild grow in membership and member participation while improving communication and transparency from the Board and committees. (The Board is doing a great job, but members need to be told.) Instituting a “Know your Guild”-type feature in monthly newsletters would provide an opportunity to share Guild history, Guild activities, and Guild planning for the future. Focused emails should be sent to Guild members welcoming and introducing new members, announcing Board meetings/brief recap of meetings/availability of minutes, and highlighting the work of each committee. What are we doing? Where do we stand? Similarly, show totals should be shared with the membership at large – we had x members participate, we had x visitors, sales were excellent/good/so-so, etc. Members not participating in shows need to know what they are missing and be encouraged to join in. Opportunities for socializing with other members should also be continued and expanded. |
If elected, where would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild be in five years (in an ideal world?)
In five years, the Guild will be a growing, vibrant community of artisans and craftspeople enjoying their art, sharing their passion, and supporting each other. A majority of the membership will share show information on social media so that show traffic at least doubles in volume. The Guild will leverage social media and targeted advertising (through Facebook) to increase foot traffic at the shows, which will be twice as large because of increased member participation. Community outreach will be a shared vision of Guild members, who will share their time as they can to promote the Guild in the community. And in an ideal world, a retail gallery space with enough room for work from all members will open and be run by the Guild.
If elected, are you:
Willing and able to attend regular Board meetings (number of meetings, day, location and time based on needs of majority of board members) in the process honoring FCG by-laws requirements? Yes. I have a previous commitment on Wednesday evenings.
Willing to serve on a Board committee or serve a term in an officer position? Yes. I’m on the Community Outreach Committee now.
Willing to promptly stay abreast of emails, newsletters and other communications as necessary? Yes.
Roger BenchIf elected, what would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild accomplish while you are on the Board?
If elected, I would like to bring fresh ideas to the Board, such us looking at opening on a Thursday instead of Friday and removing a low financially beneficial day, such as Sunday. I would like to look for creative ways to boost sales for all vendors. Additionally, I would offer suggestions to add new and younger members to the Craft Guild as they will be the future of the Guild. If elected, where would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild be in five years (in an ideal world?) In five years, I would like to see us at a great location, whether it be at the present or a new location, with full vendor capacity that offers greater sales for all participants. With this being offered, it would draw younger and future crafters, which would also draw in new customers. |
If elected, are you:
Willing and able to attend regular Board meetings (number of meetings, day, location and time based on needs of majority of board members) in the process honoring FCG by-laws requirements? YES
Willing to serve on a Board committee or serve a term in an officer position? YES
Willing to promptly stay abreast of emails, newsletters and other communications as necessary? YES
Mickie loosliIf elected, what would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild accomplish while you are on the Board?
I heard about Foothills Craft Guild before I decided to try to jury in. After becoming a member, if I mentioned to someone that I was part of Foothills Craft Guild, they knew what I was talking about. I remember the first few years of membership as being recognized for being a part of the Guild, large crowds at the annual show, and a healthily large membership. Now if I tell someone that I am a member, they don’t know what that means. It seems that active membership is smaller. I would like to help gather new members, help them feel welcomed, valued and accomplished. I would like to see our name and brand become more widely known. There is much opportunity for growth. There is so much value in ‘handmade’. I wish to spark a desire for that value in our community and beyond. |
If elected, where would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild be in five years (in an ideal world?)
I see a larger membership with a greater variety of crafters. With an active group of members who find volunteering not tedious, but fun and exciting. I see us reaching out in our community with ‘hands on’ classes, service and fellowship. I see us passing along our abilities and talents to all who may be interested in fine craftsmanship. I see our name and brand as a household name, known for quality and fine workmanship.
If elected, are you:
Willing and able to attend regular Board meetings (number of meetings, day, location and time based on needs of majority of board members) in the process honoring FCG by-laws requirements? Yes
Willing to serve on a Board committee or serve a term in an officer position? Yes
Willing to promptly stay abreast of emails, newsletters and other communications as necessary? Yes
jim gentry If elected, what would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild accomplish while you are on the Board?
My goal will be to continue serving as a volunteer toward stabilizing all operations of FCG. Our Guild has been faced w/many challenges including COVID, change in craft show location, fiscal matters, and growing member participation in committees as well as growing our Guild as we recognize the pressing need to attract the next generation of craft artists/makers. Our board has made a consistent effort to hear the voices/goals of our membership. Regular communications with members through our newsletter, social media, e-news blasts and member gatherings will contribute to members knowing members which results in more willingness to serve on committees |
If elected, where would you like to see FCG be in five years (in an ideal world)?
I would like to see continued study of best craft show locations; also increased efforts (publicity) toward attracting more members. Continued sound fiscal operations, and growth of revenue when/where possible.
If elected, are you:
Willing and able to attend regular Board meetings (number of meetings, day, location and time based on needs of majority of board members) in the process honoring FCG by-laws requirements? YES
Willing to serve on a Board committee or serve a term in an officer position? YES
Willing to promptly stay abreast of emails, newsletters and other communications as necessary? YES
jo marie brothertonIf elected, what would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild accomplish while you are on the Board?
I would like our group be the premier art of craft in the Appalachian region. If elected, where would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild be in five years (in an ideal world?) To be elevated to include fine arts and not be limited to crafts. A membership of 800 +. Very well funded out reach programs with paid participants. If elected, are you: Willing and able to attend regular Board meetings (number of meetings, day, location and time based on needs of majority of board members) in the process honoring FCG by-laws requirements? Yes Willing to serve on a Board committee or serve a term in an officer position? Yes Willing to promptly stay abreast of emails, newsletters and other communications as necessary? Yes |
nancy holtIf elected, what would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild accomplish while you are on the Board?
I would like to help our education program grow to provide more free classes and demos to promote the arts and our organization. I would also like to see our Spring Show grow to a full weekend with more vendors. If elected, where would you like to see Foothills Craft Guild be in five years (in an ideal world?) I would like to see our membership grow to a point where we could have a brick and mortar store like the Southern Highlands Guild and provide more opportunities for our members to sell their art. |
If elected, are you:
Willing and able to attend regular Board meetings (number of meetings, day, location and time based on needs of majority of board members) in the process honoring FCG by-laws requirements? Yes
Willing to serve on a Board committee or serve a term in an officer position? Yes
Willing to promptly stay abreast of emails, newsletters and other communications as necessary? Yes
Willing and able to attend regular Board meetings (number of meetings, day, location and time based on needs of majority of board members) in the process honoring FCG by-laws requirements? Yes
Willing to serve on a Board committee or serve a term in an officer position? Yes
Willing to promptly stay abreast of emails, newsletters and other communications as necessary? Yes